Time: 1 hour Yield: 20 microwaveable meals
Ingredients (for 2 people):
2 turkey legs
6 boneless/skinless chicken breasts
6 boneless/skinless chicken thighs
12 chicken legs
5 boxes of Far East couscous / rice pilaf (our favs are wild mushroom, garlic & parmesean, mediterranean, and pine nut)
20 entree-size plastic dishes with lids (15 for $3.99 at Wal-Mart)
Marinade (garlic, lemon juice, white wine, salt, herbs)
Grill--outdoor or counter-top

1 bag frozen, organic spinach
1 bag frozen, organic mushrooms
1 bag frozen, organic asparagus
1 bag frozen, organic peas
What WE do is place all of the chicken in a large, 1-gallon baggie. We add about 1/2 cup lemon juice, 1/2 cup white wine, 2 tblsp minced garlic, 1 tbsp olive oil, and I add rosemary, basil, chives, oregano, and marjoram from the garden. We marinate it for 45 mins, turning on the grill to heat up for the last 15 mins. (What YOU may want to do is buy three marinades from the grocery store, divide the chicken into three baggies, and marinade them separately... We don't much care about variety.)
Then we grill the chicken (I have no idea how long this takes--J is in charge).
I set out all 20 (actually 15 for us--work provides my food) entree dishes. Cook first box of couscous (takes 5 mins to boil, 5 mins to sit). Add to boiling water (before adding rice/couscous) a handful of the spinach, mushrooms, and/or asparagus--whatever suits your fancy. Add couscous & seasoning... Divide the couscous into four dishes. Rinse pot, cook next box of couscous, divide into four dishes, etc.
Divide the chicken 1 breast or thigh/dish or 2 legs/dish. Stick in the freezer... and you're done! When you're ready to eat, pull it out, remove tape if necessary, stick in microwave for 6 mins.
Tada! Healthy, low fat, preservative-free meal! Total cost about $1.50/meal.
All of this takes maybe 1 hour on the weekend.
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