Sunday, November 25, 2007

Crisco "hand lotion": Home Recipe Review

I'd read on various places online that Crisco shortening (yes, the stuff used in cookies) makes a decent hand-lotion, and even doctors at a particular hospital used to "hand it out" (??) to people to use as an alternative to hand lotion.

So... I decided to try it.

I put about 1/2 cup of Crisco into a plastic container with a lid. I added sweet orange essential oil and clove essential oil, and whipped it up. The first day the scent was "inconsistent." After a few days of settling it smelled a lot better. I used it on my legs yesterday after shaving. It made them very soft, and it smelled really good! The problem arose a few hours later when the EOs wore off and I smelled like... shortening.

Not a recipe I would recommend unless you just like baking *that* much.

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