Saturday, December 1, 2007

Must Love Lavendar

No, seriously, you're *required* to love it if you're gonna go green and use anything except unscented. I made several concoptions of hand lotions last night. After dividing them up and adding various fragrances, I determined lavendar is really the only one that isn't absorbed.

This theory is further supported by my home-recipe for cleaning wipes. Last week I blogged about an alternative to the store-bought cleaners: add essential oils to unscented, organic baby wipes. I am here now to tell you this does not work very well. The only scents that I can, well, still smell on the wipes a week later are lavendar and rosemary. The weakest scent is the rose--I can't even tell it was added. The orange and pine are very faint.

Tonight I went to the local Greenwise... my first time there. Talk about a child at Toys 'R' Us! I thought I'd just die of bliss. Aisles upon aisles of organic, natural everything! One thing that stood out to me, however, was that in the candle and personal care sections, overwhelmingly the options for scents are: lavendar, rosemary, ginger, mint, patchouli, grapefruit/citrus. Dr. Bronner's soaps are as natural as you can find--all had only Essential Oils with one exception: the rose had added synthetic fragrance.

My conclusion from all of this is that only some smells really stand out when it comes to essential oils. I have yet to find something that smells like apple or strawberry. The options are muy limited. And really. lavendar is in, like, everything.