Saturday, November 17, 2007

The husband has gone green!!!

A few weeks ago I kicked said husband out of the bedroom one Sunday morning in the wee hours because he was ranting about my "home-made" remedies (particularly vinegar). He slept in on the sofa. I have not heard a negative word since. LOL

This morning, while we were getting ready to go out, I reached over to wash my hands with the soap on the counter and he said, "Yo! Wait! You can't use that! It's not biodegradable!"

I blinked at him. "Huh?"

"You know, it's not green! The good soap is in the shower!" I giggled as I grabbed the "good soap" from the shower and giggled even more as I observed him throw the "tainted" soap away.
Then later we were grocery shopping together at WalMart. I got some boneless, skinless chicken breasts as he came around the corner. "Oh Andromada! Not those!! Only the green kind with no hormones and all organic-y and stuff!!" He put them back and grabbed the $6-for-3-pieces (ouch!) chicken. I hadn't gone that green yet, in contemplation of the purse, but hey! Go husband!!

Tomorrow we are making soy candles with essential oils. We have lots of candles, but don't use them because of the birds and the petroleum. I was going to order some online but there's the whole issue about "smelling" them first. I could get high off of candle smelling. Today in WalMart J wanted me to look at something and was going nutso b/c I was just walking down the aisle smelling all the candles... Anyway, yeah, we're gonna make our own so we can smell them first and make sure we like the scent combo. (We already have the jars and essential oils, now just need the wax and wicks! Hopefully it's on sale somewhere!)

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